How to achieve your business goals with the help of E-Learning Platform?

41.7% of global Fortune 500 Companies at present are using e-learning in some form to train their employees. Moreover, 77% of US companies are offering online corporate training, in one or the other form, to their employees. It is a notable fact that a majority of the business organizations has universally adopted online education for […]

3 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Job Hunters

Digital technology has transformed how job seekers today find jobs. Tools like social media have become vital in the modern job search. What was once used to share news and connect with the rest of the world is now an essential component to landing your dream job. But just like any other technological tool, social […]

How do different parts of grad school application impact your chances?

If you have ever thought of applying to a grad school for M.S./ Ph.D., you probably know how tiring and cumbersome their application process can get. From writing a statement of purpose to getting good grades in your courses, research projects to letters of recommendation, the list seems endless. However, while all parts of the […]

Tips to Prepare Your Child for School Admission Entrance

These days, the admission process in schools has become more complex. Now, children have to undergo various entrance written tests and interviews to take admission in school. Passing those entrance tests is not an easy task. This is testing time even more for parents rather than children because parents need to prepare their children for […]

Top tips to build a business mind in every student

Every student has a business mind but they are not able to identify themselves. For that purpose, they need some guidelines and some suggestions from the teachers. In our daily life, everyone uses that skill but they are not able to understand that it’s the technique used in the business field. Everyone needs best and […]

STEM Skills Can Increase Earnings & Employability – Here’s How to Develop Them

The concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) are extremely important in the 21st century. Firstly, because the majority of job nowadays requires you to have some level of digital skill. For example, in the US the number of jobs requiring you to have very high end digital skills, such as coding, has increased […]

Tribhuwan University publishes Results of MBS First Year (Partial) ; 32.78% passed

Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu today publishes the examination results of Masters of Business Studies (MBS) First year 2073. Students can view their results at Out of 9,597 students who have appeared for the examination, 3, 146 students (32.78% )passed the examination. Result Statistics MBS First Year: Results Counts Absent: […]

TU published the result of M.Sc. Engineering Geology and Mathemathics

Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office published the result of the M.Sc Engineering Geology first semester 2073 group of the regular and partial examinations. The examinations were conducted in Bhadra, 2074. Also, Tribhuvan University published the result of M.Sc Mathematics third semester 2072 group of the regular and partial examinations. The examinations were […]

NEB determines examination Centers for grade 11 and 12

National Examination Center has determined the examination centers for the grade 11 and 12 examinations. The board meeting on Monday has decided to determine 57 more centers than that of last year. The examination of grade 12 are to be held from Baisakh 14 and that of grade 11 will be held from Baisakh 30, […]

Nepal Nursing Council Licensing Exam Results Published

Nepal Nursing Council has published the Licensing Examination results of the examination held on Falgun 26, 2074. Students can get detail information and result on the official website of Nepal Nursing Council (NNC). Follow the link below to check your result of the Specialist Examination held on 10th March 2018 by NMC. Link to check […]