Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Introduction Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is Technology and Computer Application program, emphasizing on the pivotal areas of Computer Science along with facets of business and interpersonal skills. The program is ideal for the individuals willing to pursue career in the field of IT. Under this program, students have opportunity to learn the different aspects […]
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Introduction Bachelor of Business Administration is an ideal program for those willing to make a career in the business fraternity. The program is designed to equip a student with the conceptual knowledge and practical skills required to function well in the ever changing business environment. Furthermore, the program aspires to build confidence and entrepreneurial skills […]
Bachelor of Architecture
Introduction Architecture deals with the look, feel and comfort of the structure. Architect focuses on how to make the maximum use of the available area yet build a comfortable structure. While designing the structures, the societies and environments should also be taken into consideration. The Bachelor of Architecture teaches students how to design the […]
M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Semester Result TU
M.Sc. Botany 3rd Semester Result TU

MA 1st Semester Routine TU

The Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has published the routine for both regular and partial examination of MA 1st Semester ( for various courses like Anthropology, Buddhist Studies, Culture, Economics, English, Dance, Fine Arts, Gender Studies, Geography, Hindi, history, Home Science, Journalism, Library Sc., Linguistics, Maithili, Political Science, Population Studies, Psychology, RD, […]
M.Ed. 1st Semester Routine TU

The Controller of Examination of the Faculty of Education of Tribhuvan University (TU) has published routine for both the full and partial examination of the 1st semester of M.Ed. for the year 2075/2018. The exam starts on 17th Bhadra 2075 (2nd September 2018) and ends on 28th Bhadra 2075 (13th September 2018). The exam will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The notice […]
B.Sc. CSIT 2nd Semester Routine TU 2075/ 2018

M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Semester Result TU

BPH 2nd year Result TU